Acciaierie di Calvisano S.p.A. (CALVISANO) is part of the Feralpi Group, is located nearby Brescia and produces quality and special steel billets, quality steel billets for rolling and pressing, as well as all grades of fine-grain steel. The process route at CAVISANO’s steelworks comprises an AC EAF, LF and CC.

In iSlag, CALVISANO develops, in cooperation with CSM, models to simulate EAF and LF process to be used in decision support concepts for optimal slag conditioning. Moreover, it hosts some tests of a novel system developed by BFI for liquid slag characterization. 

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Reference person

Piero Frittella
Ricerca & Sviluppo, Tecnologia di Processo
Feralpi Siderurgica S.p.A
Via Carlo Nicola Pasini, 11, 25017 Lonato del Garda (BS) Italy
Tel. +39 0309996 548