Slags for the Future, the Future of the Slags, from 23rd to 25th October 2024 In the ever-evolving landscape of the steel industry, where sustainability, innovation, and circular economy principles…
A new event for the iSlag team. We will be present at the “40° Convegno Nazionale AIM” in Naples from 11th to 13th September 2024. Don’t miss to visit us.…
The iSlag team will be present at the 13th European Electric Steelmaking Conference to present the latest work about “Digital solutions for enhance the decision-making for electric steelworks slag valorization“…
The iSlag team will be present at the “Digital 4 environment Workshop” organized by The European Steel Technology Platform (ESTEP) and to present our Final Workshop. The event (in person) will…
ESTEP will hold its annual event “A Circular Economy driven by the European Steel ” on 3 – 5 October 2023 in Barcelona (Spain). The aim of the event is to…
5th European Academic Symposium on EAF Steelmaking European Academic Symposium on EAF Steelmaking The Process Metallurgy Research Unit at the University of Oulu and the Department for Industrial Furnaces and…
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The European Steel Technology Platform (ESTEP) Spring Dissemination Event 2023 will take place in-person on 29 & 30 March 2023 (from 12:00 CET) at the Aula Magna of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (SSSA) in Pisa, Italy.…
1st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & DIGITAL TRANSITION The current transition to renewable energy, and perhaps other types of sustainable energy, is largely driven by the recognition that global…