Sidenor is one of the European leaders in special steel long products. With an installed capacity of 1 million tons per year, it produces straight bars (rounds and flat), bar in coil and wire from a range of 5.5 mm to 220 mm diameter of high quality engineering steel grades. The production route comprises EAF-LF-VD-CC (Billet and Bloom, in square and round formats). It has 5 rolling mill, heat treatment and finishing facilities. The company has production centers in Basque Country, Cantabria and Catalonia as well as business delegations in Germany, France, Italy and the U.K.
Regarding the iSlag, SIDENOR’s activities include providing slag samples for testing the LIBS-based system developed by TENOVA for fast solid slag characterization and data to SSSA for models development. SIDENOR also tests TENOVA’s LIBS system for quick slag characterization, and the decision support concepts for slag valorisation developed by SSSA.
More about
Reference person
María Ferrer
R&D – Researcher
Sidenor I+D
Barrio Ugarte, 48970 Basauri (Spain)
Tel. +34 944871576