Slags for the Future, the Future of the Slags, from 23rd to 25th October 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of the steel industry, where sustainability, innovation, and circular economy principles converge, the role of slag has never been more pivotal. The 12th European Slag Conference, EUROSLAG 2024, emerges as a beacon for industry professionals and stakeholders alike.

The congress is driven by a shared vision: “Slags for the Future, the Future of the Slags.”. The commitment to shaping a future where slag, not only adapts but thrives in an era of decarbonization and sustainability.

EUROSLAG 2024 serves as the platform where experts, innovators, and decision-makers converge to exchange knowledge, explore cutting-edge solutions, and set the course for a more sustainable and prosperous future where slags will render the most.

The iSlag Team will be there, don’t miss to visit us from 23rd to 25th October 2024 in Bilbao.


Our team will be present to talk about Enhancing slag valorisation: from advanced modelling techniques to decision-making tools
Authors: A. Zaccara a-b, Petrucciani a, I. Matinoa , V. Colla a, M. Vannucci a, T.A. Branca a, M. Ferrer c, A. Morillond , D. Algermissen d

a Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, TeCIP, ICT-COISP (Italy)

b Università di Padova, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Padova (Italy)

c Sidenor I+D (Spain)

d FEHS Institut fűr Baustoff Forschung (Germany)

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